Chemtrails: Now You Can Do Something About Them

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‘Chemtrails—those ubiquitous aircraft sky graffiti—have been implicated in what’s called weather geoengineering that’s been going on for many decades, but increasing dramatically and globally in the last decade.

For readers who may be new to the concept of controlling the weather or using weather as a “weapon of war,” here is a blog I wrote, “An Indisputable Database for Chemtrail Deniers,” that can bring you up to speed on what’s been going on and is ongoing.

Numerous independent scientists and researchers doggedly have investigated what’s being called “contrails,” but actually have been proven to be patented chemical formulations emitted from specifically retrofitted aircraft to spray toxic chemicals, biologicals, and heavy metals into the troposphere in order to engineer weather patterns globally.’

Read more: Chemtrails: Now You Can Do Something About Them

The post Chemtrails: Now You Can Do Something About Them appeared first on David Icke.

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