Chicago PD Desperate to Destroy Records Before Homan Square Investigation

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‘It’s been nearly a year since the American public was first made aware of the notorious Homan Square jail in Chicago. Though perhaps “jail” isn’t the right word for this place. At least in American jails there is some faint enforcement of human rights and the rule of law. Homan Square on the other hand, is more like a CIA blacksite where people accused of crimes can be held off the books, tortured, and refused contact with family and attorneys.

So far over 7,000 people have been run through this secret interrogation site between 2004 and 2015. And those are just the people who have an arrest record. Nobody knows how many people have been detained off the books and released.’

Read more: Chicago PD Desperate to Destroy Records Before Homan Square Investigation

The post Chicago PD Desperate to Destroy Records Before Homan Square Investigation appeared first on David Icke.

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