Cop Who Killed 12-Year-Old Girl Off the Hook; Dad Charged With Murder


The Pennsylvania cop who shot and killed a 12-year-old girl while evicting her family from their home has been cleared of charges — and the child’s father has now been charged with murder.

On Thursday, Perry County District Attorney Andrew Bender announced that the shooter, Constable Clarke Steele, was in “imminent fear for his life” and therefore the shooting of Ciara Meyer, 12, was lawful. Her father, Donald Meyer, 57, had allegedly pointed a weapon at the officer during the January 11 eviction.

The bullet fired by the officer went through Donald Meyer’s arm and then fatally pierced Ciara’s chest as she stood behind him. The girl had been home sick from school and was said to be killed almost instantly.

Read more: Cop Who Killed 12-Year-Old Girl Off the Hook; Dad Charged With Murder

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