Fake Brooklyn Charity Admits Israel ‘Research Lab’ Was Sham


‘Until early last year, the website of a Brooklyn-based charity called the National Children’s Leukemia Foundation boasted that the organization had its own “biomedical cancer research center” where “leading scientists” were working on cancer treatments. A PowerPoint slide that the group’s founder, Zvi Shor, used in a presentation showed an office building where the research center was said to be located, with the words “Biomedical Cancer Research Center” across the side of the building.

Shor has now admitted that the group had no research center, nor any of its own scientists. A half-million dollar grant to an organization controlled by Shor’s sister in Israel had bought space in a building in Petah Tikva, Israel, but no lab was built there. The picture on the PowerPoint slide? A Photoshopped fake.’

Read more: Fake Brooklyn Charity Admits Israel ‘Research Lab’ Was Sham

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