FBI preparing for Waco-style armed raid in Oregon… local schools taken over by feds as staging areas for weapons stockpiling in preparation for massive assault


‘Natural News can now exclusively report that local schools near Burns, Oregon are being used as staging areas by FBI and other federal officials in preparation for an armed raid on the protesters camping out at the Malheur Wildlife Refuge.

This has been relayed to Natural News via TalkNetwork.com hosts who are on location and have independently affirmed the accuracy of this startling revelation. Pete Santilli, a talk radio host with TalkNetwork.com, is on the scene and broadcasting live from time to time at Talknetwork.com/live

The federal government is staging military-style weapons, tactical equipment and long-range observation gear inside at least one school, Natural News has learned, apparently contradicting the FBI’s publicized claim that it seeks a “peaceful resolution” to the standoff.’

Read more: FBI preparing for Waco-style armed raid in Oregon… local schools taken over by feds as staging areas for weapons stockpiling in preparation for massive assault

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