Frankly, It’s Deadly – Cancel Dodd-Frank
A statement by Rachel Brinkley – The passage of Dodd-Frank 6 long years ago, was a treasonous act against the United States and all humanity- unleashing evil effects which have not subsided, but multiplied, becoming a torrent of evil against the sacred rights of people everywhere. The imposition of this act represented President Obama’s promise to maintain the systemic fraud in the financial system which has made possible the satanic pillaging of the American people at the hands of Wall-Street. Worse, the bail-in bank account seizure provisions in Title II of the Dodd-Frank Act, now threaten to unleash the greatest mass death through economic deprivation in human history- the very conditions which would guarantee the descent of civilization into thermonuclear World War III.
For this, each member of Congress who refuses to condemn the Dodd-Frank Act will be held accountable- that under the Nuremberg criteria of “known or should have known.” Pleas of ignorance will not remove their responsibility for the effects of their decisions, especially those of the puppet author Barney Frank, if he can even be considered human.
As a candidate for Congress who ran against Barney Frank, I know more about his criminal behavior than he would probably like to remember about himself, but for now we need only focus on this one act- pushing mass-death against the people of the United States and world.
For example, since Barney and his Wall St. backers ushered in the bailout and trillions of dollars were poured down the drain with quantitative easing, death rates have skyrocketed. Since 2008, the numbers of homeless children have doubled, and heroin-related overdose deaths have increased over 250%. The amount of Americans in poverty has grown from 37 to 47 million during Obama’s presidency, food stamp recipients have grown from 28 million to 47 million, and one in five children are now living under the poverty line. Meanwhile the global derivatives bubble has grown to $2 quadrillion dollars of worthless debt, endangering the entire world population as the collapse of the bubble will destroy the entire Transatlantic economic system. The plummeting oil price is already hitting the fracking bubble, endangering oil investments, the junk bond market, and everything beyond.
Barnum Bailey fought to prevent the return of Glass-Steagall, which would have prevented the growth of the ever-increasing bubble and physical collapse, and intentionally forced through the designed-to-fail Frankly-Deadly Act, lying on behalf of Wall St., and against the will of the people. Yet, as Lyndon LaRouche forecast, these economic conditions are but a faint foretaste of the economic implosion set for the beginning of next year, when the bail-in detonates in Europe and the United States, (courtesy of the Frank-Dodd Act.)
This can only be compared to the end of the Renaissance, as satanism took over the leadership of the churches in Europe, and the true notion of the higher, divine essence of mankind was crushed. Witness it today, as you see the current Pope acquiesce to the British Monarchy’s satanic fraud of man-made global warming- a fraud designed for the purpose of contributing to the reduction of the world’s population, and for crippling the general recognition of the creative powers of mankind.
Barney Frank is a criminal, he is damned, evil, and degenerate, and he should never have been allowed to hold congressional office. Yet, current members of Congress and presidential candidates are still using his advice to set the standard for law in this country? His authority should be cancelled! Congress must recognize that procedures of law must be held to a higher standard: that of natural law, which is not written by man. Superficial congressmen may say: “See, we have made a choice, and put it on the books, and that therefore that is law.” No, that is not true! In fact, mankind does not really make the law to which we all are subject. Law is the requirement of the human species to progress. If the human species is not progressing in its development and its fruition, then the law has been violated!
Dodd-Frank is treason and must be thrown out, while Franklin Roosevelt-style measures of emergency economic action must be taken in the short term. Glass-Steagall must be restored! Shut down Wall St, we don’t need it! Then we can throw their puppets Obama, Hillary, Trump, and Barney Frank into the sewer where they belong.
Rachel Brinkley and Barney Frank Debate, September 7, 2010
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