Group of scientists gave standing ovation for plan to kill 90 percent of human population with airborne Ebola


‘Some clues about the origins of the latest Ebola outbreak may be found in the contents of a speech given at the 109th meeting of the Texas Academy of Science back in 2006. Professor Erik Pianka reportedly told his audience that the best way to kill off 90 percent of the human population would be to spread an airborne version of the Ebola virus, to which he received an enthusiastic standing ovation.

As reported by Australian journalist John Ballantyne, Pianka opened up the meeting with a series of highly disturbing statements on population control, which were so controversial that he had them censored from video footage captured at the event. Pianka basically likened humans to bacteria during his extensive rant, claiming that we are destroying the planet and need to be culled in mass numbers.’

Read more: Group of scientists gave standing ovation for plan to kill 90 percent of human population with airborne Ebola

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