How ISIS Broadcasts Its Message To The World: Satellite Dishes Bought In Turkey

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‘Over the last six or so months, it’s become abundantly clear that Turkey is home to several of the key transit and supply routes utilized by Islamic State.

Ankara has long been suspected of turning a blind eye to the legions of foreign fighters that flow across the border into Syria and as Nafeez Ahmed noted last month, there’s voluminous evidence to support the contention that Turkey’s government is complicit in the terror group’s activities. This evidence was available long before the Russian MoD blew the whistle on Erdogan’s ties to the group’s illicit crude trade.

Here are some key excerpts from Nafeez’s piece “NATO is harbouring the Islamic State: Why France’s brave new war on ISIS is a sick joke,” as originally published in Medium:’

Read more: How ISIS Broadcasts Its Message To The World: Satellite Dishes Bought In Turkey

The post How ISIS Broadcasts Its Message To The World: Satellite Dishes Bought In Turkey appeared first on David Icke.

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