How the People of Flint Michigan Ended Up with Some of the Most Dangerous Tap Water in America


‘My grandmother used to talk about people “closing the barn door after the horse got out.” That could be applied to Michigan Gov. Rick Snyder, now trying to slam it shut nearly two years after the people of Flint—and its children, in particular—have been poisoned by lead in their water. He has finally decided to call out the National Guard to distribute water.

The governor isn’t alone as a villain in this saga. But today, I’d like to call attention to the heroines and heroes of this ongoing tragedy. Some are Flint residents and others are not, but they have all played key roles in bringing this emergency to national attention.

Michigan Public Radio’s Lindsey Smith wrote and produced “Not Safe to Drink,” the most comprehensive documentary on the crisis to date.’

Read more: How the People of Flint Michigan Ended Up with Some of the Most Dangerous Tap Water in America

The post How the People of Flint Michigan Ended Up with Some of the Most Dangerous Tap Water in America appeared first on David Icke.

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