Isis in Syria: Kurdish militants plan massive attack against Daesh to secure Turkish border


‘The Kurdish People’s Protection Units (YPG) and its allies in Syria are understood to have made plans to seize a stretch of the Syrian-Turkish border currently held by Islamic State (Isis) fighters. The offensive will deprive Daesh (IS) of a pivotal logistical route for supplies and foreign recruits, but may also have the potential to offend Turkish authorities.

An unnamed YPG source confirmed to Kurdish news website Xeber24 that although there was no fixed date, it may be close to 29 January. The plan, according to a Reuters report, includes crossing the Euphrates to attack the IS-held towns of Jarablus and Manbij, in addition to Azaz, which is occupied by other insurgent groups.’

Read more: Isis in Syria: Kurdish militants plan massive attack against Daesh to secure Turkish border

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