Leading climate scientist admits geoengineering ‘experiment’ is going on right now


‘A leading climate scientist from the U.K. had a Freudian slip moment recently when he admitted, perhaps without realizing it, that climate geoengineering in the form of “chemtrails” is not only not some wild conspiracy theory, but is an actual thing happening all around the world right now.

Professor Tim Lenton, chair of Climate Change/Earth Systems Science at the University of Exeter in the U.K., participated in a question and answer session at the Our Common Future Under Climate Change conference in Paris back in July, where he agreed to answer a compelling question about weather modification and its effects on our planet.

Olga Raffa from Chemtrails Project U.K. asked Prof. Lenton why “ongoing” geoengineering programs are taking place without any research as to their outcomes. She also asked about how the use of “aerosols” is justified when the aluminum, barium and other chemicals they contain is a known killer of bees.’

Read more: Leading climate scientist admits geoengineering ‘experiment’ is going on right now

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