Mandatory vaccine legislation will lead to compulsory organ harvesting from Americans’ bodies


‘Health freedom is a sacred right that strikingly few people in America today seem to recognize as vitally important to a free society. This is evidenced by the largely manufactured measles crisis, which has sent some into a tailspin of draconian fervor as they call on the government to literally force the entire populace into getting vaccinated for the “greater good.”

But the moment we allow government to decide one aspect of how we must live our lives is the moment we allow government to decide all aspects of how we must live our lives. If forced vaccination is ever (God forbid) recognized as normal and necessary to keep people “safe” from disease, for instance, the floodgates will be opened to all sorts of other compulsory “medical” interventions like mandatory organ harvesting.’

Read more: Mandatory vaccine legislation will lead to compulsory organ harvesting from Americans’ bodies

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