New Manhattan Chemtrail Project Biological Impacts

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‘When airplanes routinely dump megatons of toxic garbage into our atmosphere as they have been doing for twenty years now, the most obvious question is: What are the biological impacts? What are the environmental implications of very small aluminum, barium, and strontium particles entering our bodies and fouling our biosphere?

As one might guess, the implications are grave. Although the geoengineers will undoubtedly tell us that everything is fine, the best available evidence shows that the general population’s health is being negatively impacted, at least hundreds of thousands of people are dying, and that our environment is being summarily wrecked as well. These are the biological impacts of the New Manhattan Project.’

Read more: New Manhattan Chemtrail Project Biological Impacts

The post New Manhattan Chemtrail Project Biological Impacts appeared first on David Icke.

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