News station sues after NYPD tries to charge $36,000 for bodycam footage


‘The New York Police Department tried to charge a local television news station $36,000 to view bodycam footage, prompting the station to sue the NYPD under the state’s Freedom of Information Law (FOIL).

Courtney Gross, a reporter for cable station NY1, sent a FOIL request to the NYPD last April for 190 hours of unedited body-cam footage. The police department responded by saying that it could only provide the station with redacted footage, and even that would cost them $36,000.

Now the network is suing the police department in New York state court, saying that such a price was “excessive” and “effectively bars public access to information that FOIL is intended to guarantee” according to the suit filed in the Manhattan Supreme Court.’

Read more: News station sues after NYPD tries to charge $36,000 for bodycam footage

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