Snoopers’ charter ‘rushing spy powers into law’ without proper scrutiny – MPs and Lords


‘Home Secretary Theresa May will be grilled by MPs and peers on all aspects of her draft Investigatory Powers Bill, known by its detractors as the ‘snoopers’ charter’, who accuse her of rushing new spy powers into law.

On Wednesday afternoon, May will appear before the bill’s parliamentary scrutiny committee, which will question her on threats to privacy and the legal implications of the measures. She is due to respond to their queries and provide evidence.

Peers and MPs on the committee will also ask the home secretary if she is confident the definition of an “internet connection record” is clear for the telecommunication companies required to retain them for 12 months, according to the Guardian.’

Read more: Snoopers’ charter ‘rushing spy powers into law’ without proper scrutiny – MPs and Lords

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