The Occult Universe of David Bowie and the Meaning of ‘Blackstar’


‘In the wake of David Bowie’s death, his last album, “Blackstar”, is his swan song, an enigmatic conclusion to a career punctuated by otherworldly alter-egos and esoteric symbolism. We’ll look at the meaning of “Blackstar” in the context of David Bowie’s career.

Very few artists can boast the longevity of David Bowie in the music industry, as his career spanned over five decades and produced 28 albums. Throughout the decades, Bowie migrated from one musical genre to another, and even from one persona to another, but a constant remained: He was surrounded by an otherworldly aura.’

Read more: The Occult Universe of David Bowie and the Meaning of ‘Blackstar’

The post The Occult Universe of David Bowie and the Meaning of ‘Blackstar’ appeared first on David Icke.

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