The Politics of Islamophobia: French Government Considers Deprivation of Nationality as Possible Sentence to all Citizens

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‘After President François Hollande announced last month that France might deprive dual nationals convicted of terrorism or crimes against the state of French citizenship, the Socialist Party (PS) government is now considering extending that punishment to all French nationals.

This would be a flagrant violation of international law. Article 15 of the Universal Declaration of the Rights of Man specifies nationality as a fundamental right of any person, while a 1961 UN convention specifies that member states cannot deprive anyone of their nationality if this makes that person stateless. Indeed, in his announcement, Hollande said that the measure would only apply to dual nationals, in order to avoid making people stateless.’

Read more: The Politics of Islamophobia: French Government Considers Deprivation of Nationality as Possible Sentence to all Citizens

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