UK Banking Industry – Most Unstable in G7 Implements Depositor Bail-in Scheme


‘Back in September we published an article “Grand Theft Auto – UK and EU Bank Depositor Bail-In Regime Implemented” in which we described how banks throughout the EU would simply steal your deposits if any of them failed.

The first paragraph stated “Shares and stocks are tumbling around the world, with investors worried that the next global crisis has already begun. There is considerable uncertainty and nervousness amongst economists and trend forecasters. Government’s sooth jittery markets with misinformation in the hope that confidence does not evaporate and their legitimacy with it.”

On the first day of 2016 all banks located within the EU follow the ‘Anglosphere’ nations of Britain, America, Australia, New Zealand and Canada into an agreement, where the next bank failure and bail-in could cost depositors all their money.’

Read more: UK Banking Industry – Most Unstable in G7 Implements Depositor Bail-in Scheme

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