Vows in blood and branding with fire: Franciscan nun opens up about violence and torture in convent


‘A former nun of the Franciscan Sisters of the Immaculate has spoken about the abuse she suffered in her convent. It included being branded with fire and made to write vows in blood, right down to being forced to self-flagellate and eat out-of-date food.

The woman, who made the claims, is now in her 30s. She says she was 17 when she joined the convent in the ‘90s. Speaking to Italian Corriere Della Sera, she said the Franciscan Sisters of the Immaculate, based in Frigento, Italy were encouraged to write vows in blood by the head of the order, Father Manelli.

“Father Manelli was satisfied that we did this practice because it made our love for God more authentic, this eternal vow with God…made with blood.”’

Read more: Vows in blood and branding with fire: Franciscan nun opens up about violence and torture in convent

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