American Chemistry Council funnels millions of dollars into political influence to soften chemical regulations


‘Congress’s failure to update the Toxic Substances Control Act (TSCA) of 1976 has prompted numerous states to enact their own restrictions pertaining to the chemical industry. The move has forced the American Chemistry Council (ACC), a top trade organization representing North American chemical manufactures, to fight chemical regulation legislation at the state level.

The ACC argues that chemical regulation is best dealt with at the federal level through TSCA rather than a “patchwork of state regulations,” but public awareness regarding the dangers of chemical exposure has forced state legislatures to take action.

In response, the ACC has redirected their focus to state-level activity by increasing its financial contributions to state and local candidates, according to a new report [PDF] from Citizens for Responsibility and Ethics in Washington (CREW).’

Read more: American Chemistry Council funnels millions of dollars into political influence to soften chemical regulations

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