At these three British airports, a foreign spy agency decides who can travel


‘A parliamentary question from Labour MP Stella Creasy has revealed that Homeland Security officials from the US are able to prevent British citizens from travelling at three major UK airports: Heathrow, Gatwick and Manchester.

While Homeland Security describes its “vital mission” as being “to secure the [American] nation” against its “many threats”, documents released by WikiLeaks in 2012 showed that the agency routinely employs surveillance tactics against its own citizens.

Back in December, The Canary reported on the case of the Mahmood family who were barred from boarding their flight to California for a trip to Disneyland, despite having been pre-approved for entry to the US. It was this incident, as well as hearing the concerns of her Muslim constituents, that prompted Creasy to pose her question in parliament last week.’

Read more: At these three British airports, a foreign spy agency decides who can travel

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