CDC-Oxford ‘Death Gene’ Is Key To The Brazilian Babies Riddle


‘The mobilization of 500,000 soldiers and public-health workers to spray pesticides across Brazil is effectively terminating a controversial British-American biotechnology project that has released millions of gene-engineered mosquitoes in a backfired experiment to combat the dengue fever virus (DENV). The Oxitec gene-manipulation technique called RIDL (Release of Insects carrying a Dominant Lethal) is widely suspected of spreading a new virulent strain of ZIKA virus, and the Brazilian outbreak in turn raises fears of a link to microcephaly or reduced brain size in human embryos. (Oxitec is a corporate spinoff of Oxford University, even though most of its researchers are with less prestigious British schools or from the United States.)

First of all, this essay explains how the recent cases of Brazilian microcephaly were not caused by ZIKA but are instead a “side effect” of the RIDL gene-transfer. The so-called Death Gene blockage, using the GATA binding protein, can affect the same gene in human embryos as in the targeted mosquito pupae.’

Read more: CDC-Oxford ‘Death Gene’ Is Key To The Brazilian Babies Riddle

The post CDC-Oxford ‘Death Gene’ Is Key To The Brazilian Babies Riddle appeared first on David Icke.

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