Censorship Around The World Still At High Levels


‘Censorship is still a big issue around the world. Censorship remains at high levels in many countries, despite the fact that we tend to think we live in a world without that much of it (at least in the so-called “enlightened and developed West”). Why are censorship levels so high? There can really only be one reason for it in the end: our so-called “authorities” are afraid of free thought, free speech and the free flow of information. Why? Because it would uncover their secrets, expose their corruption, contradict their fake narratives, dissolve mental structures and undo notions of citizen obedience and civic duty that have been drilled into us since birth, mainly through military- and Rockefeller-influenced education.’

Read more: Censorship Around The World Still At High Levels

The post Censorship Around The World Still At High Levels appeared first on David Icke.

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