Civil disobedience is needed when laws are stupid


‘The American civil rights leader and Nobel Peace Prize laureate as well as the American poet, philosopher and historian writing a century before him dealt with hefty issues indeed and shared a compelling antipathy to unfairness and injustice, and to the bureaucratically ridiculous.

So, while it is clearly not a matter of existential angst or political outrage, a heavy-handed, gormless and money-grubbing decision by some councils overseeing a lot of Melbourne’s most popular public parks would probably have irked these two sterling public thinkers.

Councils reckon they have a right, and maybe they think they have a duty, to force families and friends to get a permit to have a picnic in a public park, should the gathering number more than 20 in some cases and 40 in others and god only knows what in others.’

Read more: Civil disobedience is needed when laws are stupid

The post Civil disobedience is needed when laws are stupid appeared first on David Icke.

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