‘Die elsewhere’: Seriously ill refugee being pushed out of Australian-run processing center


‘Australian immigration authorities are putting intense pressure on a seriously ill asylum seeker to leave a processing center, leading to fears the man will die if he is deprived access to the current medical care he receives.

Mohammad Albederee, a 31-year-old Iraqi man who was recently granted refugee status by the Australian authorities, is being urged to leave the Regional Processing Center on Los Negros Island in Manus Province, Papua New Guinea, which is run on behalf of the Australian government.

Albederee has spent the last year at the center, and is suffering extreme weight loss having just ended a 10-month hunger strike, which he began in protest at a lack of medical treatment for injuries he allegedly sustained in an encounter with local guards. The hunger strike saw his weight plummet from 74 to 48 kilograms and damaged his health to such an extent that he is no longer capable of taking food or fluids.’

Read more: ‘Die elsewhere’: Seriously ill refugee being pushed out of Australian-run processing center

The post ‘Die elsewhere’: Seriously ill refugee being pushed out of Australian-run processing center appeared first on David Icke.

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