Hillary Clinton sides with Big Pharma, against marijuana


‘Well, once again, as in 2008, the Iowa Caucus was not the coronation that she and her supporters thought it was going to be.

Nominal Democrat presidential “frontrunner” Hillary Clinton barely made it out of the nation’s first caucus as the technical victor (though the campaign her main opponent, Sen. Bernie Sanders, I-Vt., has contested those results), leaving many to wonder if she’s got the mojo in 2016 that she lacked in 2008 when she was younger and less scandal-plagued in her loss to a relatively unknown U.S. senator from Illinois.

Time will tell, of course, and to be fair, Clinton is expected to do better down South. But her positions on a number of issues continue to run afoul of those held by the same young Millennial voters she, at 68 years old, is trying to woo.’

Read more: Hillary Clinton sides with Big Pharma, against marijuana

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