I am the student loan crisis at its ugliest: I graduated and found out I have $200,000 in debt

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‘Every once in a while, when I’m feeling overwhelmed, I watch college commencement ceremonies on YouTube.

These rituals remind me how perverse our higher-education system is—and of the empty idealism that colleges and universities sell us:

We are here today, donning our ceremonial robes and caps, to recite the traditional vacuous platitudes and wish you well in paying off high-interest student loans for which we are in no way held accountable.

Let us now further romanticize our fair institution by singing the alma mater and conveniently forget that tuition has gone up 1,120 percent since 1978. Good luck out there, kids!’

Read more: I am the student loan crisis at its ugliest: I graduated and found out I have $200,000 in debt

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