Monsanto Exposed As Source For White Phosphorus Used In Gaza Massacre


‘Monsanto has earned the dubious reputation of being one of the most hated companies in the world. Its grand proclamations of working to feed the world and help the environment have been exposed for a sham.

Their genetically modified (GM) crops have not increased yields, despite claims to the contrary. What they have done is: 1) encouraged monoculture, industrialized farming, 2) smothered out the sustainable, non-GM farmer, 3) waylaid beneficial insect populations and aquatic habitats with Bt toxins, 4) caused the emergence of several superweeds, 5) increased the use of chemical herbicides, notably Roundup, and 6) undertaken a giant human heath experiment with GM foods.’

Read more: Monsanto Exposed As Source For White Phosphorus Used In Gaza Massacre

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