Mother beats cancer with JUICING after told she only had two weeks to live


‘When you become a parent, life changes a lot. Suddenly, you’re responsible for another life and you realize that you can’t afford to do a lot of things that you used to. Obviously, there are pros and cons, but one constant is that every parent feels a burning need to be there for their daughter or son. Particularly while the child is young, it falls on the mother and father to help their offspring understand this world and how to get by in it.

If you had two young siblings, a girl of six and a boy of five, they would definitely be your main concern, so much so that you couldn’t imagine life without them. But what if you were told that you had stomach cancer? That it had spread to your lymph nodes, neck and almost all of your abdomen and you may have less than a month to spend with your children and husband?’

Read more: Mother beats cancer with JUICING after told she only had two weeks to live

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