Saudi funds 24,000 madrassas in Pakistan to spread hatred, terrorism: US senator


‘Saudi Arabia is funding some 24,000 madrassas (religious schools) in Pakistan through an unleashed “tsunami of money” in order to “export intolerance”, a top American senator says.

“In 1956, there were 244 madrassas in Pakistan. Today, there are 24,000. These schools are multiplying all over the globe. These schools, by and large, don’t teach violence. They aren’t the minor leagues for al-Qaeda or ISIS (Daesh). But they do teach a version of Islam that leads very nicely into an anti-Shia, anti-Western militancy,” Senator Chris Murphy said in a speech at the Council on Foreign Relations, a top American think-tank, in New York on Friday.’

Read more: Saudi funds 24,000 madrassas in Pakistan to spread hatred, terrorism: US senator

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