The Occult Meaning of Rihanna’s ‘ANTIdiaRY’ Videos


‘The eight short videos that preceded the release of Rhianna’s ANTIdiaRY album conceal a heavy message: They reveal the process required from an artist to enter the higher ups of the music industry, which is ruled by an occult elite.

Rihanna was discovered by music industry people when she was a teenager in Barbados and, quickly enough, she was sucked into the dark hole that is the music industry. Her third album, titled Good Girl Gone Bad, launched her into super-stardom and made her a household name. Coincidentally enough, it is also with that album that Rihanna’s image and persona took a darker direction and her work became permeated with Illuminati symbolism. For instance, her video Umbrella (as analyzed in my 2008 article), symbolically represents her “selling her soul” to the music industry and the dark forces that rule it. It was indeed about a good girl gone bad.’

Read more: The Occult Meaning of Rihanna’s ‘ANTIdiaRY’ Videos

The post The Occult Meaning of Rihanna’s ‘ANTIdiaRY’ Videos appeared first on David Icke.

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