The Planned Invasion of Syria: Are We on the Eve of War. Is the US Leading Saudi Arabia Down ‘the Kuwaiti Invasion Road’?


‘For the first time in a long time I feel concerned and worried about the prospect of war. The reaction of Saudi Arabia to the Russian intervention in Syria has always been the wild card in the shifting geopolitical power base in the Middle East. Turkey and Israel, along with Saudi Arabia are the three countries with the most to lose because of a strong alliance between Syria, Iran, Hezbollah, and Russia.

These three traditional American allies have been accustomed to Western support in regards to their own specific regional goals and ambitions. This support has been so staunch and counterproductive to regional stability that ‘the growing comfort’ between Iran and the US should be both confusing and worrisome to Saudi Arabia and Turkey.’

Read more: The Planned Invasion of Syria: Are We on the Eve of War. Is the US Leading Saudi Arabia Down ‘the Kuwaiti Invasion Road’?

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