Using This Phone Passcode Strategy Will Take The FBI 127 Years To Crack Your Encrypted Data


‘This report is based on the assumption that Apple is on the up-and-up about their refusal to create backdoor tools for the FBI. As we know, however, intelligence agencies are experts at disinformation, so for all we know it is possible that backdoors already exist and what we have witnessed this week insofar as the encryption debate is concerned could be a psy-op designed to convince the public that their encryption is unhackable by government agencies. From a security perspective, we must assume that no electronic device is safe from prying eyes, as most theories on these matters are based on publicly known technologies and do not take into account top-secret developments with quantum computing or advanced DARPA initiatives.’

Read more: Using This Phone Passcode Strategy Will Take The FBI 127 Years To Crack Your Encrypted Data

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