Bought by the BigPharma Cartel


Today, Allison and I are travelling from Nelson, NZ to Auckland, NZ.  Therefore, I have some time to write you.

Tuesday is election day in Michigan.  Again, as in past elections, I am unhappy with the choices presented to me.

As for my politics—I dislike both major parties and feel they have failed our country terribly.  We are in desperate need of a third party where healthy, normal citizens can run for the major offices.

Although I am in New Zealand, I just discussed the election with Allison.  Here are my thoughts.Hillary Clinton, Ted Cruz, and Marco Rubio have all been well-funded by Big Pharma.  They have all received hundreds of thousands of dollars in financing from Big Pharma.  Each one of these candidates is already bought and sold by the Big Pharma Cartel.  None of these candidates can be counted on to make the right decisions when it comes to the Big Pharma Cartel.

Recently the Senate confirmed a new director of the FDA—Dr.  Robert  Califf.

I have two words for this confirmation:  Oy vey.

Dr. Califf is the epitomy of the Big Pharma Cartel insider.  (Note—the next bit of info was taken from,  A disclosure statement on the website of Duke Clinical Research Institute says “Robert M. Califf, MD, reports receiving research grant support from Novartis Pharmaceuticals, Johnson & Johnson/Scios, Lilly, Merck, and Schering-Plough, and consulting fees from Annenberg, Aterovax, Bayer / Ortho-McNeil, BMS, Boehringer Ingelheim, GSK, WebMd /, Johnson and Johnson / Scios, Kowa Research Institute, McKinsey & Company, Medtronic, Merck, Novartis Pharmaceuticals, Sanofi-Aventis, and Schering-Plough, and has an equity position with NITROX, LLC.”

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