ObamaCare expansion is NOT free

This is getting serious.

L.B. 1032, the bill that will expand ObamaCare in Nebraska, is expected to come up for debate and a vote on the Senate floor soon.

Supporters of this bill grossly underestimated the real cost of expanding.

The Department of Health and Human Services has estimated the program will cost Nebraska taxpayers over a billion dollars in the first 10 years.

And the bad news is more state senators appear to be caving to pressure this year than previous sessions.

That’s why it’s absolutely crucial we show massive opposition to their scheme before it’s too late.

Please contact your state senator RIGHT AWAY and demand they oppose and vote NO on L.B. 1032.

Click here for contact information.

Then, click here to sign your petition opposing ObamaCare expansion in Nebraska, and forward the link to your family and friends.

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