Trump and Hitler

Trump = Hitler.  The evidence is overwhelming.

Trump is of German descent on his father’s side.  This makes Trump suspect because Hitler was also German.  The last U.S. president with a German-American father was Dwight Eisenhower, who served as Supreme Commander of the Nazi Forces in Europe.  General Eisenhower somehow managed to overcome this political liability to be elected president less than a decade later but he retained pro-Berlin sympathies throughout his time in office.  According to one blogger, Hitler remained Eisenhower’s preeminent inspiration.  Is this the chance we want to take with another German in the White House?

Trump is eager to invade Mexico and Canada.  He aspires to set up puppet regimes in what he calls “Greater America” (an imperialistic notion that is advertised on his famous red caps).  Trump loves war, which is why he has so strongly defended the Iraq War and U.S. military intervention in Syria during GOP debates.  It is also why Trump so frequently rattles the saber at Putin, hinting that he will start World War III against Russia if elected.  These positions explain why the hawkish neoconservatives in the Republican Party love Trump.  They know that Trump will emulate the foreign policy of George W. Bush.  Bill Kristol, Max Boot, Dick Cheney, Lindsey Graham, and John McCain have all endorsed Trump’s candidacy for this reason.

The banking and corporate elite—Wall Street and the big industrialists—are overwhelmingly supportive of Trump because they know he favors the kind of crony capitalism (fascism) that showers government largesse on their businesses.  This is why the donor class is running millions of dollars’ worth of television ads promoting Trump in primary states and why the Wall Street Journal editorial page showers Trump with praise.

Trump follows Nietzsche in openly mocking the weakness of Christianity, preferring a pagan religion instead.  Rather than traditional Christmas symbols, Trump plans to substitute the swastika once he is in the White House because of the Jewish origins of the Nativity story.  Trump tells voters that if he becomes president, store employees in December will be encouraged to say “Merry Aryan Race.”


You do not have to like Donald Trump to see the problem with dishonesty and hypocrisy.  Serious-minded people understand that glib comparisons to Adolf Hitler are contemptible because they trivialize his regime and the oppression, war, and holocaust it created.  Practitioners of such comparison and trivialization discredit themselves.  The merits and faults of Trump stand apart from juvenile emotion and repellent silliness.

The post Trump and Hitler appeared first on LewRockwell.

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