Seattle, Olympia To Be Sprayed With Bacteria Used For GMO Genetics (Bt): To Treat Moths

<p><a href="https://www. avi te t/ ploa s/2016/04/pla e_sprayi g_pestici es-1.p g" rel="attachme t wp-att-369279"><img class="size-f ll wp-image-369279 alig ce ter" src="https://www. avi te t/ ploa s/2016/04/pla e_sprayi g_pestici es-1.p g" alt="pla e_sprayi g_pestici es (1)" wi th="927" height="418" srcset="https://www. avi te t/ ploa s/2016/04/pla e_sprayi g_pestici es-1-300×135.p g 300w, https://www. avi te t/ ploa s/2016/04/pla e_sprayi g_pestici es-1-768×346.p g 768w, https://www. avi te t/ ploa s/2016/04/pla e_sprayi g_pestici es-1.p g 927w" sizes="(max-wi th: 709px) 85vw, (max-wi th: 909px) 67vw, (max-wi th: 1362px) 62vw, 840px" /></a></p>
<p>‘April 16 is the begi i g of a pestici e-bacteria sprayi g program i wester Washi gto , a thorize by the Washi gto State Departme t of Agric lt re. The state p rpose is to kill Asia a E ropea gypsy moths…</p>
<p>…Approve by a thorities a oppose by ma y people, they eci e to spray a bacteria with pestici e properties calle Bacill s th ri gie sis (Bt), the bacteria from which a ge e comes that is se i GM crops to kill i sects…</p>
<p>…Does a ybo y have a problem with this? Give the sha y history of the US gover me t testi g harmf l bacteria o civilia s, s ch as Sa Fra cisco or New York City i 1966 Navy Operatio Sea Spray, citize s wo l be wise to test the state a somehow observe for themselves what is happe i g here.’</p>
<p><a href=" -with-bacteria- se -for-gmo-ge etics-bt-to-treat-moths.html" target="_bla k">Rea more: Seattle, Olympia To Be Spraye With Bacteria Use For GMO Ge etics (Bt): To Treat Moths</a></p>

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