US Assaults British Sovereignty — Paul Craig Roberts

US Assaults British Sovereignty

Paul Craig Roberts

The Washington elite believe that the British people should serve Washington’s interest and not their own. To this end, President Obama has been sent to London to emphasize that the UK must remain in the EU.

Does this make you wonder why it is important to Washington for the British people to surrender their national sovereignty to the European Union? If not, it should.

It is easier and less expensive for Washington to control the EU government than to control 28 seperate governments. For example, if Washington wants to open up Europe to Monsanto, it is easier for Washington to bribe one EU government than to deal with 28 governments, especially as the European Commission is not accountable to the European people, whereas the individual populations of the countries would make their objections known to the national governments. The EU can open the door to Monsanto without accountability.

Then there is the NATO consideration. NATO is cover for Washington’s war crimes. Without this cover there likely would be arrest warrants for US officials and, if not, certainly much hostile publicity. The notion that Washington is bringing “freedom and democracy” when it destroys a country would no longer fly.

If the UK leaves the EU, other countries are likely to follow. The desertion could spread to NATO, in which case Washington’s hegemony over Europe and ability to threaten and destabilize Russia disappear. The neoconservatives cannot stand the thought.

Just as have the Americans and Europeans, the British have been lied to, deceived, and brainwashed for so long that it is surprising that such a large part of the population and political element are in favor of the UK leaving the EU. It shows that despite the propaganda, many of the British recognize that being absorbed by the EU is the same as being conquered by the Germans, a fate that the British fought two world wars to avoid.

The paid off British politiians want to do Washington’s bidding. Perhaps more need to be paid off, and the price is what Obama has gone to London to discover.

Here is a RT report on the hostile reception Obama is receiving in the UK for his meddling in the internal affairs of a sovereign country:

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