Aleppo: US NATO False Flags, Lies and Propaganda

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<p>‘I the aftermath of the horrific US NATO terrorist attacks o the Syria gover me t hel areas of Aleppo, the possibility of the allege attack o what is effectively a terrorist temporary triage hospital, bei g a false flag, is reveali g itself.</p>
<p>There are o official Mé eci s Sa s Fro tières (MSF) hospitals i Syria. There are however MSF “s pporte ” hospitals that have bee erecte or i stalle i b il i gs withi terrorist hel territory. These fiel shelters a temporary i stallatio s are illegally i si e Syria witho t permissio from the legitimate Syria gover me t. These hospitals are ofte staffe by the US a UK gover me t f e White Helmets who themselves are affiliate with Al N sra [Al Qae a] a e sco ce i ISIS hel areas.’</p>
<p>Rea more: <a href="http://21stce t s- ato-false-flags-lies-a -propaga a/" target="_bla k">Aleppo: US NATO False Flags, Lies a Propaga a</a></p>

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