Even phony reform too much for the Queen of Civil Asset Theft

Last year, outgoing Attorney General Eric Holder made headlines by suspending “equitable sharing programs,” which allow state, local, and the federal government to equitably share the profits of civil asset theft.

As is often the case with government, the announced changes amounted to phony reforms.  But even phony reforms are too much for The Queen of Civil Asset Theft, Loretta Lynch. 

Lynch recently announced she was reversing Holder’s “reforms.”  In addition, Senator Kelly Ayotte (R-NH) has introduced S. 2576, which restores full funding to the equitable sharing program.

Campaign for Liberty  joined a collation letter to Senate Judiciary Committee Chairman Chuck Grassley, House Judiciary Committee Chairman Bob Goodlatte, Senate Judiciary Committee Ranking Member Patrick Leahy, and House Judiciary Committee Ranking Member John Conyers in opposition to S. 2576.

Campaign for Liberty members who oppose Civil Asset Theft should call their Representatives and Senators and tell them to oppose S. 2576 and instead support Senator Rand Paul’s FAIR (Fifth Amendment Integrity Restoration Act) Act (S. 255/H.R. 540).

Text of the coalition letter opposing S. 2576 available here.



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