I Refused To Be a Victim

The day after the most deadly gun-related massacre in America, I took my 15-year-old daughter out to shoot guns.

I’m a firm believer in refusing to be a victim, and this philosophy carries over to the way I’ve raised my children. We had planned to take a course together from a new instructor for a while. My daughter, 15, hadn’t ever shot a gun before our class. Since I lived a good part of my adult life in Canada, I’ve only been using guns a couple of years myself.

When the day dawned, we were eager to get out the door and be there early. We didn’t turn on our computers or check the news.  I took a cute photo and posted it on Instagram and Facebook, and we popped a CD in the player in the Jeep.



When I posted that photo, I had no idea that a man pledging his loyalty to the Islamic State had opened fire at a gay nightclub in Florida and murdered 50 people. With a gun.

If I had known, I might not have posted that particular picture with that particular caption. Tact isn’t always my strong point, but even I can grasp that some would find it upsetting. begins, I don’t believe in banning stuff. Not guns, not Islam, not plastic grocery bags instead of paper.)

If I said, “Ban Islam” people would think I was a horrible human being.

So why is it acceptable to suggest banning guns when they are the most effective way to meet such brute force head on? Is it just that people don’t really want the responsibility of taking the power into their own hands?

You can go hide in the bathroom if you want to. As for me, I carry.

Today was a beautiful day to shoot guns.

So today, I shot guns with my teenage daughter.

When we left the house this morning, we were completely unaware of the tragedy of 50 people who lost their lives to a religious zealot. When I learned of this, I was even more glad that I took her out to learn to safely and effectively handle a firearm from a fabulous instructor.

I won’t always be there to protect her but I can do something even better. I can give her the tools, the skills, and the power to protect herself.

And that is how you empower your daughters.

Reprinted with permission from The Organic Prepper.

The post I Refused To Be a Victim appeared first on LewRockwell.

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