MSNBC Admits Plan to Suppress Bernie Sanders Voters in California

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<p>‘What is wro g with Chris Matthews?</p>
<p>I the clip from RT’s Re acte , host Lee Camp looks at a st i g revelatio from MSNBC’s Chris Matthews, who o ce famo sly sai he ha a stra ge feeli g p his leg while watchi g Obama talk; a feeli g that he escribe as a ‘objective assessme t’.</p>
<p>Matthews flat o t states that there is a pla i place at MSNBC to a o ce Hillary as the clear wi er, ho rs before a ythi g is officially eclare , to make people thi k they will be wasti g their time by goi g o t to vote for Ber ie.’</p>
<p><a href="http://21stce t bc-a mits-pla -to-s ppress-ber ie-sa ers-voters-i -califor ia/" target="_bla k">So rce</a></p>

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