Putin Is Calling The Shots On The ‘Greater Eurasian Plan’

Russian President Vladimir Putin used the occasion of the St. Petersburg International Economic Forum June 16-18, to pose the existential issue facing all of mankind: Either join in what he called the “Greater Eurasian Plan” for economic development and security or face the imminent danger of a collapse of the trans-Atlantic system and a senseless global war that could become a war of extinction.

In a two-hour dialogue with participants, moderated by CNN’s Fareed Zakaria, Putin announced that the Eurasian Economic Union (EAEU) is about to begin negotiations this months with China for full integration into the One Belt, One Road project, emphasizing that 40 countries are seeking trade ties with the EAEU, and Russia welcomes full participation in this ambitious program by the nations of Western Europe.

In the same dialogue, he frankly took on the U.S. and NATO “bloody coup” in Ukraine and the more recent efforts to encircle Russia with NATO forces.

Putin’s actions and the madness of the Anglo-American war drive against both Russia and China have triggered a growing revolt among Western Europeans, who see the war danger more and more clearly. Not only did a number of European leaders attend the St. Petersburg Forum against the explicit demands of Obama and London. Former French President Nicolas Sarkozy called for an end to the sanctions against Russia and urged Putin, who he said is in a stronger position, to unilaterally end the Russian retaliatory sanctions against Europe. Putin responded positively to the Sarkozy call, as well as statements issued by Italian Prime Minister Matteo Renzi, but cautioned that Russia is not prepared to be double-crossed again.

German Foreign Minister Frank-Walter Steinmeier gave an interview to the widely-read Bild am Sonntag, blasting the just-concluded NATO maneuvers along the Russian border as a war provocation, demanding an end to the “war cries” coming out of NATO. Steinmeier’s actions have triggered an all-out factional brawl within the German political class, just as Sarkozy’s speech at St. Petersburg has triggered a serious debate in France. Steinmeier’s intervention has been bolstered by recent attacks on the NATO provocations by leading CDU military analyst Michael Stürmer, and statements made this week by former German Chancellor Gerhard Schröder, also denouncing the trend line to a new arms race and Cold War with Russia.

All of these fundamental shifts in the political landscape come just days before the June 23 Brexit vote in Britain and just weeks before the NATO heads of state and government summit in Warsaw in early July, where NATO deployments are scheduled to be ratified into the Baltic states and Poland. The Sunday Telegraph, a flagship publication of the Tory faction in Britain, came out with a strongly-worded editorial in favor of the British exit from the European Union. The editorial openly said that the EU is dead.

We have reached a punctum saliens moment, where either mankind moves fully into the new paradigm, best expressed in the World Land-Bridge idea, or plunges into a war of extinction. There is no place to hide, because the future of all of mankind hangs in the balance. Putin is fully on top of this showdown, and he can be expected to do the unexpected in the coming days and weeks to win the battle for mankind’s future.

Here in the United States, the greatest danger is that those growing forces that see clearly the danger of thermonuclear war will hold back from bringing the Obama Presidency down–before he starts a war. Leading voices within the American Committee for East West Accords, including Dr. Stephen Cohen and Gilbert Doctorow, are belatedly coming around to realize that Obama is not someone to be “pursuaded” to do the right thing. He has committed clearly impeachable crimes, including his refusal to work with Russia to crush the Islamic State, Nusra and other Anglo-Saudi-sponsored jihadist gangs. How many innocent lives have been lost because Obama refused to collaborate with Putin and the Russian services–who know how to conduct a counter-terrorist operation?

As this fight has reached a new dimension in Europe, Chinese President Xi Jinping is continuing his tour of Central and Eastern Europe, concluding major agreements with Serbia, which is a crucial hub for the Eurasian Land-Bridge.

Above all else, Lyndon LaRouche urged colleagues on Sunday to closely watch Putin’s moves. He will take flanking actions, based on his understanding of the entire global situation. He doesn’t trust others, most emphatically Obama and the British. He will act in surprising ways that will best reflect the reality of the global showdown moment. He is, LaRouche emphasized, the best reference point for action.

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