Reporter Chases Bilderberger General Petraeus Through Streets of Dresden

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<p>‘I fowars reporter Rob Dew chase Bil erberg member a former CIA irector Ge eral Davi Petrae s thro gh the streets of Dres e , Germa y to ay i a attempt to ask the former CIA irector a q estio abo t Hillary Cli to ’s email sca al.</p>
<p>Petrae s left the Kempi ski hotel for a jog i the after oo a Dew was o ha to q iz him. The ramatic footage shows Dew c t short a i terview before p rs i g Petrae s o foot as police look o , maki g o attempt to stop the reporter.’</p>
<p><a href="http://www.priso pla eo-reporter-chases-bil erberger-ge eral-petrae s-thro gh-streets-of- res e .html" target="_bla k">Rea more: Reporter Chases Bil erberger Ge eral Petrae s Thro gh Streets of Dres e </a></p>

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