UK trade union leaders call on six million members to vote against Brexit

<p><a href="https://www. avi te t/ ploa s/2016/06/ ow loa -2-3.p g" rel="attachme t wp-att-374291"><img class="size-f ll wp-image-374291 alig ce ter" src="https://www. avi te t/ ploa s/2016/06/ ow loa -2-3.p g" alt=" ow loa (2)" wi th="700" height="465" srcset="https://www. avi te t/ ploa s/2016/06/ ow loa -2-3-300×199.p g 300w, https://www. avi te t/ ploa s/2016/06/ ow loa -2-3.p g 700w" sizes="(max-wi th: 709px) 85vw, (max-wi th: 909px) 67vw, (max-wi th: 984px) 61vw, (max-wi th: 1362px) 45vw, 600px" /></a></p>
<p>‘The lea ers of Britai ’s biggest tra e io s have iss e a plea to 6 millio members to vote to stay i the EU, war i g that leavi g wo l allow a Tory gover me t to isma tle har -wo worker rights aro pare ti g, holi ay a eq ality.</p>
<p>I a joi t i terve tio , the ge eral secretaries of U ite, U iso , the GMB a Us aw were amo g 10 tra e io lea ers war i g that the Co servatives wo l egotiate away o r rights if the UK eci es to leave.</p>
<p>They arg e leavi g the EU wo l pose a great threat to mater ity a pater ity pay a leave, the right to pai leave for holi ays a eq al treatme t for f ll, part-time a age cy workers.’</p>
<p><a href="http:// reporte to k-tra e- io -lea ers-call-o -6m-members-to-vote-agai st-brexit.html" target="_bla k">Rea more: UK tra e io lea ers call o six millio members to vote agai st Brexit</a></p>

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