African Blood: A Commodity Obama and the Clintons Excel In Trading In
‘Outgoing US President Barack Obama has just ordered a contingent of US troops into South Sudan. The story is barely mentions in mainstream media today, but the implications are dramatic, and implicative. Another regime put in place with the help of the US and the UN, is in chaos. At the center of the Sudanese conflict is a familiar resource, energy lying beneath that nation’s blood soak sands of Africa.
USA Today carries the story within the Google News matrix of “Obama” stories today. According to the story, the American president ordered 47 US troops to secure the US Embassy via airlift on Tuesday, and another 130 soldiers are on standby in nearby Djibouti. Citing a “sudden and serious in the security situation in the capital,” Obama’s State Department also ordered all non-essential personnel out of the capital. USA Today pointed out the move by Obama to notify Congress , as required according to the War Powers Resolution, which requires notification of the movement of combat troops into a new country.’
Read more: African Blood: A Commodity Obama and the Clintons Excel In Trading In
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