Australian TV Host Calls for Muslim Ban, Australia’s ADL Attacks Her ‘Offensive Bigotry’

‘Australia’s own version of the ADL has come out and attacked TV host Sonia Kruger for supporting a ban on Muslim immigration in the wake of the Nice terror attack.
Here’s the backstory from
Media personality Sonia Kruger has responded to an avalanche of criticism after her call to ban Muslim migrants from Australia by saying she should be free to speak her mind without being labelled “a racist”.
Kruger released a statement through Twitter on Monday afternoon defending her comments on the Today Show. “Following the atrocities of last week in Nice where 10 children lost their lives, as a mother, I believe it’s vital in a democratic society to be able to discuss these issues without being labelled racist,” she said.”
Read more: Australian TV Host Calls for Muslim Ban, Australia’s ADL Attacks Her ‘Offensive Bigotry’

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