Unfuck the Police: Anarchy and the Demilitarization of Law Enforcement
‘I know what you’re probably thinking, here at the outset: “Not all cops are bad.” To which I say, “Pull your head out of authority’s ass!” Yes. Do exactly that. Saying, “Not all cops are bad” is a red herring. Fuck your red herring! It doesn’t matter that all cops are “not bad.”
What matters is that all cops represent “the state,” and the state is bad, wrong, unhealthy, evil. And any “law” enforced by an unhealthy state is “bad” (unhealthy) until deemed otherwise by free, healthy individuals. Your belief in authority is nothing more than a shared delusion. It’s time to pull the Rabbit of Your Courageous Freedom out of the Hat of Your Blind Obedience. Un-fucking the police, like with all things, begins with un-fucking yourself.
It comes down to this: Authority is an illusion, a cartoon in the brain, an agreed-upon social construct that is equal parts authoritative conditioning and cultural brainwashing.’
Read more: Unfuck the Police: Anarchy and the Demilitarization of Law Enforcement
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