Western Democracies in a Pickle?

Well Well! Doesn’t this leave western ‘democracies’ in a PICKLE?

They have to support the democratic leader of Turkey who is eroding planks of democracy like press freedom, jailing university professors, as well as sacking police members and judges involved in investigating a corruption scandal that allegedly included Erdogan’s son.

‘Erdogan denounced the investigation as a foreign plot to bring down his government. He ordered the sacking of hundreds of police officials across the country, including the police chief in Istanbul.’

Erdogan is well known for his tendencies towards strongly joining Church and State which many in the military object to. This beacon of democracy has question marks around his support of militant Islam who are gleefully taking responsibility for various horror attacks across Europe and the world.

Meanwhile NATO, via the U.S. Air Force, stores 90 nuclear bombs at the Incirlik Air Base in southern Turkey.

Now Mr. E has has removed 2,745 judges from duty in the wake of the failed military coup.
The attempted coup leaves the US scrabbling for some pantomime villian to blame. This time in the form of Fethullah Gulen.  EU chiefs Donald Tusk and Jean-Claude Juncker have backed Turkish President whom they have have paid in the order of 3BN Euro to keep Middle Eastern refugees form European shores.

‘US Secretary of State John Kerry said Saturday that the United States will assist Turkey in the investigation of a failed coup and invited Ankara to share any evidence it has against a US-based opposition figure Fethullah Gulen.’
Famously Mr. Erdogan said ‘that women and men are not equal’ echoing statements made by Iranian Supreme Leader Ayatollah Khamenei when he said that gender equality was “one of the biggest mistakes of Western thought.”

Who knows what the motivations of the military are in this latest coup,  but given Erdogan’s consistent erosion of democratic values and human rights where does that leave the EU and indeed the UN Human rights Charters?

Below are some of the stories that have informed my opinions.

Turkey sacks 350 police officers amid corruption probe

‘Turkey good example of West’s duplicity towards ISIS’

Turkey sacks judges who oversaw Erdogan corruption probe

Turkey coup: 2,700 judges removed from duty following failed overthrow attempt

Five Expensive US Military Bases Spark Controversy Abroad

Over 90 US Nukes at stored at Turkish Incirlik Air Base

US invites Turkey to present any coup evidence against Fethulla Gulen

Turkey’s Erdogan: Islam Says Women Are Not Equal to Men

EU chiefs Donald Tusk and Jean-Claude Juncker have backed Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan’s government and urged a “swift return” to normal after a coup attempt.

Refugee crisis: EU pays €3bn to Turkey in exchange for help on dealing with European migration

EU Charter of Fundamental Rights


The end of “Secular Turkey” or Ottomans re-emergent?

Press Freedom and Media Developments in Turkey

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