Gold – “Mother of All Bull Markets Has Only Just Begun” – Grandich

There are many reasons to believe that “the mother of all bull markets has only just begun” for gold.

So believes Peter Grandich, the market analyst dubbed the “Wall Street Whiz Kid” whose track record speaks for itself. He called the Wall Street Crash in 1987 and subsequent sharp stock market recovery, the end of the bull market in stocks in 2000 and the global financial crisis in 2008.

Gold in USD – 1971 to Today

On his website this week he entertainingly and insightfully outlined why he is so positive on gold:

I’m not going to write some long dissertation but rather just highlight some of the reasons I personally believe gold is in the earliest stages of what can turn out to be its biggest bull market ever.

The bullish fundamentals for gold ownership grow almost daily. Again, I could write pages of why, but I will just point out a few key ones:

1 – The severe gold correction literally wiped away every ounce of bullishness. It had come to last one out of the bullish camp, please turn off the lights. While bullishness is off the canvas now, we still see little or no interest in gold overall while its main rival, financial assets, are now in a full bullish blow-off mode. Being a supporter of gold is like being the “Maytag Repairman” when compared to what most investors and professional are loaded to the gills with (financial assets).

2 – We’re now just about 180 degrees where we were in 1980. Back then, financial assets were called “dead” and investment “war rooms” preaching gold ownership were widespread. Gold is the ultimate contrarian play and on a valuation basis compared to stocks and bonds, relatively cheap.

3 – Whether its debt bombs all around the world, paper currencies being debased faster than “Grant took Richmond”, or Central Banks getting ready to launch funny money from helicopters in a last futile attempt to correct their quantitative easing failures, take your pick on the inevitable ignitor that will lead to a blow up of financial systems. It’s not if, but when!

I can go on and on why this former “soothsayer” believes gold is going much, much higher. I would suggest if you’re serious and want to consider it as part of your portfolio, we’re coming close to a break out point where if and when it occurs, I suspect an acceleration to the upside will take place.
See full article here

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